Visual, DEVELOPMENTAL & EDUCATIONAL Services for your entire family



            Reading and Learning Related Visual Problems
It is widely accepted that vision and learning are intimately related. Yet, children and adolescents can move along from one school year to the next with significant, but undetected visual deficits.

Visually related reading and learning problems, as examined in our office, take the following three constructs into determination:

  • Does the individual have an eye health or visual acuity problem?
  • Does the individual have a functional vision problem, such as a convergence insufficiency or focusing problem?
  • Does the individual have a perceptual problem, in which the individual can see clearly and recognize the content but is unable to judge its importance or relate it to previously stored information in the brain?

A deficiency in any of these areas may result in specific learning disabilities, which include but are not limited to, expressive language delays, poor reading skills and comprehension levels, underdeveloped writing skills, poor mathematics calculations and underdeveloped reasoning skills.
Prevalence of Reading and Learning Disabilities
Reading and learning disabilities yield a high incidence rate in the United States. According to the US Department of Education, there are currently over 2.8 million students being served for specific learning disabilities. This encompasses approximately 48% of all children receiving special education services¹. 

Treatment of Reading and Learning Disabilities
Visual management of reading and learning disabilities is extremely successful, when 80% of the information we acquire is through our eyes. You will find more information on our treatment methods here.
US Department of Education. Prevalence of Learning Disability

Last Accessed May 13, 2016