Visual, DEVELOPMENTAL & EDUCATIONAL Services for your entire family


The word dyslexia is derived from the Greek words ‘dys’ (meaning difficult) and ‘lexis’ (words or language) and was originally viewed as a reading blindness condition. Today, it is known that dyslexia is a brain based, often genetic condition that manipulates the sounds and sight of language and written words. 

Visually, binocular vision problems affecting eye teaming and focusing often occur with or are mistaken for dyslexia. For example, trouble concentrating, words appearing to move around or jump on the page and double vision are just a few visual perceptual complaints common amongst dyslexic patients. A disproportionate gap between reading and intellectual abilities may be common, as this is not related to a cognitive delay, but rather a perceptual one.

Prevalence of Dyslexia
Researchers estimate 15% of the population to have dyslexia, equating to over 30 million adults in the United States, 6 million in the United Kingdom and 3 million in Canada. Somewhere between 25-40% of children with dyslexia are also diagnosed with ADHD.

Treatment of Dyslexia
Comprehensive and perceptual analyses will determine areas of strengths and areas of weakness.  If a visual perceptual diagnosis is made, our office has great success in remediating symptoms utilizing lenses and therapy. More information on our methods of treating dyslexia other binocular vision disorders can be found here.

National Eye Institute (NEI). Facts About Amblyopia

Last Accessed May 3, 2016