Visual, DEVELOPMENTAL & EDUCATIONAL Services for your entire family



                               Convergence Insufficiency (CI)

Convergence insufficiency (CI) is the inability of the two eyes to sustain focus, or fusion (single vision) to a target and generally occurs when an individual switches their focus from far-point to near-point.

Symptoms of CI can include visual fatigue, eye strain, trouble focusing or reading, including losing one’s place, substituting words or having to go back and reread the comprehend the material. Double vision, headaches and squinting are often times also the result of a convergence disorder.

The exact etiology of CI is said to be unknown, although both sensory and neuromuscular components are obvious. It often appears to run in families. Incidence, frequency and intensity of convergence insufficiency may appear to worsen with age, or an individual may become more aware of the condition and becomes more symptomatic with age.

Prevalence of Convergence Insufficiency
The prevalence of CI is reported to range between 3-5% of the population, according to the WHO (World Health Organization). Convergence Insufficiency- A Major Review by Cooper & Jamal (2012) reported variable prevalence rates as high as 33%¹.

Treatment of Convergence Insufficiency
More information on our methods of treating convergence insufficiency and other binocular vision disorders can be found here.

Cooper J, Jamal N. Convergence insufficiency-a major review. American Optometric Association. 2012.